September 25, 2016

What's Happening This Week at

Editor's Pick   

By Brian D. McLaren 

This highly regarded Christian thinker, global activist, and public theologian tells us that instead of being imprisoned or hunkered down in unchanging beliefs, we should stay moving in our  practice of Jesus' way of love.

Born in 551 B.C.E., this celebrated Chinese philosopher offers us timeless wisdom, such as: "Coarse rice to eat, water to drink, my bended arm for a pillow -- therein is happiness. Wealth and rank attained through immoral means are nothing but drifting clouds."

More Practices: Birthday of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Birthday of Jelaluddin Rumi  

A new e-course by Ted Falcon and Jamal Rahman       
October 3 - 28, 2016

Rabbi Ted and Imam Jamal of the Interfaith Amigos illuminate ways to awaken authentic social justice. The wealth of practices they share from their traditions make this e-course a tremendously valuable resource. 
Read more and sign up here:
A new e-course by Contemplative Outreach     
October 3 - 8, 2016

This gentle method of prayer has a surprisingly vast impact on life, so much so that practitioners say they don't know how they lived without it. This course is for beginners and anyone who wants a refresher. Read more and sign up here: 

Directed by Oliver Stone

Stunned by the economic and social control the U.S. government has over citizens, Edward Snowden in this poignant portrait puts his life on the line in order to expose the truth about the American surveillance state.
Directed by Taggart Siegel and Jon Betz

This ethically robust documentary tells the tale of saving and sharing seeds in the sacred space of the commons. It is also a hard-hitting wake-up call to the kind of spiritual activism needed to defend people's rights and battle against the seeds of destruction being unleashed by large biochemical companies.

More Films: Chicken People, The Hollars, The Lovers and the Despot, 1000 Rupee Note  
Film Collections

Films about Whistleblowers

Whether the setting is a mining community, a nuclear power plant, a law firm, The Washington Post, or a peacekeeping operation in Bosnia, it takes tremendous moral courage to speak the truth in the face of greed and immorality. We've collected our favorite films that inspire us to listen to our consciences.

Directed by Joseph Dorman and Oren Rudavsky

The harmonious times when the original inhabitants of Palestine welcomed the first Jewish settlers fleeing from persecution in Europe have faded from memory; polarization, hatred, and violence have replaced them. This ethically edifying documentary gives a rounded portrait of Zionism and its manifold impacts.

More DVDs: Free State of Jones, They Will Have to Kill Us First, The Witness  

Finding Peace through Spiritual Practice
By Ted Falcon, Don Mackenzie, and Jamal Rahman

The Interfaith Amigos show how true peace is
"a way of living in which our conflicts lead us to more meaningful relationships, fear awakens us to live with greater safety, and pain reminds us of where we need support."

More Books: Buddha U, The Five Elements, A Sense of Wonder

The Rainbow Landscape
By Frederic Brussat

Immerse yourself in the late summer afternoon paradise of Peter Paul Rubens' Belgian estate. This painting encourages us to steep ourselves in the details of a place, to savor its beauties and bounties, and to find in it intimations of the presence of the Divine. 
From Our Wisdom Archive   

This DVD series uses passages from Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat's book. It focuses on spiritual qualities (from the Alphabet of Spiritual Literacy around which the website is organized) that enable us to read the sacred in everyday life. These volumes make perfect gifts and are also an excellent resource for fall and winter programs. To discover how individuals and groups use these DVDs, print out a Viewer's Guide for all 26 episodes, and more, please see this page:

You can also sample videos and learn more about what is covered on these volume pages:
  1. Volume 1
    Attention, Beauty, Compassion, Devotion
  2. Volume 2
    Enthusiasm, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Hospitality
  3. Volume 3
    Imagination, Justness, Kindness, Love, Meaning
  4. Volume 4
    Nurturing, Openness, Play, Questing
  5. Volume 5
    Reverence, Shadow, Transformation, Unity
  6. Volume 6
    Vision, Wonder, X-The Mystery, You, Zeal
A Thought to Carry with You  
Equinox blessings to you! Twice a year on the Spring (Vernal) and Fall (Autumnal) Equinox, everyone on earth experiences a 12-hour day. These events remind us that we are one planetary family and motivate us to live in harmony with all life.

The nearly even duration of light and darkness also reminds us to live in balance, bearing in mind that balance is always a dynamic quality. You experience this when you stand on a balance beam: Your muscles constantly make micro-adjustments to keep you standing although you may appear to be still. 

Mary Luke Tobin, in Apostle of Peace (edited by John Dear), puts it this way: "The life of the believing human being is a sort of high wire act in which one goes forward unsteadily, but goes forward, trying out a balance which can only be sustained if life is in movement; a balance between life within and life without; a balance between looking within and measuring the danger and the height from the ground; a balance between the distance to be covered and the distance covered, and going on."

The Equinox gives us one more interesting reminder. A few natural phenomena keep the periods of light and dark from being exactly equal all over the world. The sun's rays curve over the horizon, for instance, and this bending of light allows you to see the sun before it actually emerges and after it has actually bowed beneath the horizon. Why not let these slight discrepancies remind us not to make our formulas about life too rigid? There's too much wonder, mystery, and nuance for that, as a single russet maple leaf whimsically streaked with gold could tell you.

Wishing you harmony, balance, and wonder,
Your Spirituality & Practice Team 
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
Patricia Campbell Carlson
Darren Polito